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Scratchclient Documentation

This is the documentation for scratchclient.


Go to your terminal (not your python shell) and execute this command:

pip install scratchclient

If this didn't work for whatever reason, open your python shell and run the following:

import os; os.system("pip install scratchclient")

scratchclient requires Python 3.7; however, it will work for almost all use cases on Python 3.6.

Get Started

from scratchclient import ScratchSession

session = ScratchSession("ceebee", "--uwu--")

# post comments

# lots of other stuff

Cloud Connection

from scratchclient import ScratchSession

session = ScratchSession("griffpatch", "SecurePassword7")

connection = session.create_cloud_connection(450216269)

connection.set_cloud_variable("variable name", 5000)

def on_set(variable):
    print(, variable.value)

print(connection.get_cloud_variable("other variable"))

See the examples for more code samples.


scratchclient has a command line interface for retrieving Scratch website data from the command line. Use python3 -m scratchclient help to get started.