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type : Literal["followuser"] | Literal["followstudio"] | Literal["loveproject"], Literal["favoriteproject"] | Literal["remixproject"] | Literal["becomecurator"] | Literal["becomeownerstudio"] | Literal["shareproject"] | Literal["addprojecttostudio"] | Literal["removeprojectstudio"] | Literal["updatestudio"] | Literal["removecuratorstudio"] | Literal["becomehoststudio"]

The type of activity that the activity is. This can be any of the following:

  • "followuser" - Occurs when the actor follows someone.
  • "followstudio" - Occurs when the actor follows a studio.
  • "loveproject" - Occurs when the actor loves a project.
  • "favoriteproject" - Occurs when the actor favorites a project.
  • "remixproject" - Occurs when the actor remixes a project.
  • "becomecurator" - Occurs when someone becomes a curator of a studio.
  • "becomeownerstudio" - Occurs when someone is promoted to manager of a studio.
  • "becomehoststudio" - Occurs when someone becomes the host of a studio.
  • "shareproject" - Occurs when the actor shares a project.
  • "addprojectotstudio" - Occurs when someone adds a project to a studio.
  • "removeprojectstudio" - Occurs when someone removes a project from a studio.
  • "updatestudio" - Occurs when someone updates the title, thumbnail, or description of a studio.
  • "removecuratorstudio" - Occurs when a curator is removed from a studio.

actor : str

The username of the person who caused the actvity (I.E. the person who loved a project or updated the title of a studio).

created_timestamp : str

An ISO 8601 timestamp representing the date the activity was created.

A Activity might have other attributes depending on its type and where it came from.

actor_id : int

Appears everywhere except from calls to ScrapingSession.get_user_activity. This is the user ID of the actor who caused the activity.

id : str

The ID of the activity. Appears only from calls to Studio.get_activity. This is the activity type followed by a hyphen - and some numbers.

followed_username : str

Appears when the type is "followuser". This is the username of the user who has been followed.

project_id : int

Appears when the type is either "loveproject", "favoriteproject" or "remixproject". This is the ID of the project that was loved, favorited, or remixed.

title : str

Appears when the type is either "followstudio", "loveproject", "remixproject", "becomecurator", or "shareproject". If the activity was related to a studio, this is the title of the studio it involved. Otherwise, this is the title of the project it involved.

project_title : str

Appears when the type is "favoriteproject", "addprojecttostudio", or "removeprojectfromstudio". This is the title of the project that the activity involves.

parent_id : int

Appears when the type is "remixproject". This is the ID of the parent project that has been remixed.

parent_title : str

Appears when the type is "remixproject". This is the title of the parent project that has been remixed.

recipient_username : str

Appears when the type is "becomeownerstudio" or "becomehoststudio". This is the username of the user who has become manager or host of the studio.

username : str

Appears when the type is "becomecurator" or "removecuratorstudio". This is the username of the person who added or removed the curator.

Appears when the type is "followstudio", "becomecurator", or "becomeownerstudio". This is the ID of the studio where the action occurred.

Appears when the type is "becomeownerstudio". This is the title of the studio where the action occurred.