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type : Literal["followuser"] | Literal["loveproject"] | Literal["favoriteproject"] | Literal["addcomment"] | Literal["curatorinvite"] | Literal["remixproject"] | Literal["studioactivity"] | Literal["forumpost"] | Literal["becomeownerstudio"] | Literal["becomehoststudio"] | Literal["userjoin"]

The type of message that the message is. This can be any of the following:

  • "followuser" - Received when someone follows you.
  • "loveproject" - Received when someone loves one of your projects.
  • "favoriteproject" - Received when someone favorites one of your projects.
  • "addcomment" - Received when someone comments on your profile or replies to one of your comments.
  • "curatorinvite" - Received when you are invited to become a curator of a studio.
  • "remixproject" - Received when someone remixes one of your projects.
  • "studioactivity" - Received when there is activity in a studio that you curate.
  • "forumpost" - Received when there is a post on a forum topic you either follow or own.
  • "becomeownerstudio" - Received when you become manager of a studio.


I wonder if this is why they changed the name to "host" instead of "owner".

  • "becomehoststudio" - Received when you become the host of a studio.
  • "userjoin" - Received when you join Scratch.

actor : str

The username of the person who caused the message to be sent (I.E. the person who sent a comment or caused activity in a studio).

actor_id : int

The user ID of the person who caused the message to be sent.

created_timestamp : str

An ISO 8601 timestamp representing the date the message was created.

A Message might have other attributes depending on its type.

project_id : int

Appears when the type is either "loveproject", "favoriteproject" or "remixproject". This is the ID of the project that was loved, favorited, or remixed.

title : str

Appears when the type is either "loveproject", "remixproject", "curatorinvite", or "studioactivity". If the type is "loveproject" or "remixproject", this is the title of the project where the action occurred. Otherwise, this is the title of the studio where the action occurred.

project_title : str

Appears when the type is "favoriteproject". This is the title of the project being favorited.

parent_id : int

Appears when the type is "remixproject". This is the ID of the parent project that has been remixed.

parent_title : str

Appears when the type is "remixproject". This is the title of the parent project that has been remixed.

comment_id : int

Appears when the type is "addcomment". This is the ID of the comment that was sent.

comment_fragment : str

Appears when the type is "addcomment". This is the fragment of the comment that is shown in the message.

commentee_username : str | None

Appears when the type is "addcomment". If the comment is a reply, this is the username of the person who was replied to. Otherwise, this is None.

comment_obj_id : int

Appears when the type is "addcomment". This is the ID of the user, project, or studio where the comment was posted.

comment_obj_title : str

Appears when the type is "addcomment". If the comment occurred on a studio or project, this is the title of the studio or project. Otherwise, this is the username of the user whose profile the comment was posted on.

comment_type : Literal[0] | Literal[1] | Literal[2]

Appears when the type is "addcomment". If the comment occurred on a project, this is 0. If it occurred on a profile, this is 1. If it occurred on a studio, this is 2.

Appears when the type is "curatorinvite", "studioactivity", "becomeownerstudio", or "becomehoststudio". This is the ID of the studio where the action occurred.

Appears when the type is "becomeownerstudio", or "becomehoststudio". This is the title of the studio where the action occurred.

topic_id : int

Appears when the type is "forumpost". This is the ID of the topic where the post occurred.

topic_title : str

Appears when the type is "forumpost". This is the title of the topic where the post occurred.