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A class that represents the project data that is used on Scratch's remix tree page.


title : str

The title of the project.

id : int

The project ID of the project.

author : str

The username of the project's creator.

An IncompleteProject might have other attributes depending on where it came from:

moderation_status : str

The moderation status of the project. This is either "notreviewed" or "notsafe". If it is "notsafe" (NSFE), this means the project can't show up in search results, the front page, or the trending page.


def is_nsfe(project_id):
  remixtree = session.get_project(project_id).get_remixtree()
    remixtree_project = next(project for project in remixtree if == project_id)
  except StopIteration:
    # It's unknown since the project has no remix tree
    return False

  return remixtree_project.moderation_status == "notsafe"

# True


Although you can easily determine whether a project is NSFE using this, you are not allowed to mention how to do this or say that a project is NSFE on Scratch. It's weird that they still include this in an API response, though. Just think of it as a little Easter Egg in Scratch's API.

visible : bool

A boolean value representing whether the project has been deleted or not.

is_published : bool

A boolean value representing whether the project has been shared or not.

love_count : int

The number of loves the project has.

favorite_count : int

The number of favorites the project has.

created_timestamp : int

A Unix timestamp representing the date the project was created.


import datetime

def unix_to_readable(unix):
    timezone =

    date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(unix)

    return date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p")

project_104 = next(project for project in 
session.get_project(104).get_remix_tree() if == 104)
# 2007-03-05 10:47 AM

last_modified_timestamp : int

A Unix timestamp timestamp representing the date the project was most recently modified.

shared_timestamp : int | None

A Unix timestamp timestamp representing the date the project was shared.

parent_id : int | None

If the project is a remix, this is the ID of the project's parent project. Otherwise, it's None.

children : list[int]

A list of the project IDs of the project's remixes.


This can be used to determine the project's remixes much more quickly than Project.get_remixes.